June 21, 2018
Handling all Company Licences such as :
1. Business Licences :
- Permit for Business Expansion at BKPM ( Investment Coordinating Board )
- Updating Pharmaceutical Industry Licence
- Company Register ( TDP )
- Legalization Letter at Embassy
- Etc.
2. Factory Licences
- Utilization of the related equipments based on the safety from Manpower Institution
- Renewal and strorage expansion of hazardous waste ( B3 ) license at Ministry of Environtment
- License of Interference Law ( UUG )
- Etc.
3. Import Licenses
- Import Approval Manufacture for finished goods ( PI ) at Ministry of Trade
- Producer Importer Identity Number ( API-P) / General Importer Identification Number (API-U) at BKPM
- Customs Identity Number ( NIK ) at Directorate General of Customs and Excise
- Letter of Import Approval ( SPI ) at Ministry of Health and BPOM
- Recommendation Letter ( SKI ) at BPOM
- Certificate of Inclusion from Label in Indonesia Language ( SKPLBI ) at Ministry of Trade
- Etc.